I, .......................son of Sh............................resident of ................................................, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
1. That I have attained the age of majority. My date of birth is..........
2. That I am an Indian citizen,
3. That I am an Unmarried.
4. That I am self-employed.
5. That I intend to marry with Ms. .......................Daughter of Sh............................resident of ................................................, of my own accord, free will without any direct or indirect force, coercion, threat, pressure, etc. from any quarters.
6. That the said marriage will be solemnized in Arya Samaj Mandir at Delhi, according to Hindu Rites and Customs.
7. That after solemnization of my marriage with Ms. .................................... she will be my legally wedded wife and I shall discharge all conjugal relation, as faithful and devoted husband and I shall provide all comforts according to my resources.
8. That I have neither brought with me any cash nor any kind of valuable goods or jewellery from my parents or relations for presentation as dowry in my marriage.
9. That I am not within the prohibited degree of sapindas relationship with Ms. .....................................
10. That I am capable of giving valid consent and of sound mind, not suffering from any mental disorder/insanity.
Verification: Verified at Delhi on this .......day of ..........., 202.. that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge and belief, no material of it is false and nothing has been concealed there from.
I, Ms............................. D/o Shri ..................... R/o ..................................................do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
1. That I have attained the age of majority and my date of birth is .............
2. That I am an Indian citizen.
3. That I am unmarried so far.
4. That I am homely.
5. That I intend to marry with Mr. .......................son of Sh............................resident of ................................................, of my own accord, free will without any direct or indirect force, coercion, threat, pressure etc from any quarter.
6. That the said marriage will be solemnized in the Arya Samaj Mandir at Delhi according to the Hindu/vedic Rites and customs.
7. That after solemnization of my marriage with .................................... I shall be his legally wedded wife and shall perform all my matrimonial duties towards my husband, which are expected from a faithful and devoted Hindu Wife towards my husband and shall discharge all the conjugal relations as a faithful and devoted wife towards him.
8. That I have not brought any cash, valuable goods or jewellery etc. from my parents or relatives to present as dowry.
9. That I am not within the prohibited degree of sapindas relationship with Mr. ....................................
10. That I am capable of giving valid consent and of sound mind, not suffering from any mental disorder/insanity.
Verification: Verified at Delhi on this .......day of ..........., 202.. that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge and belief, no material of it is false and nothing has been concealed there from.
Note: - Affidavit must be typed on Rs. 10/- stamp paper duly attested by the Notary Public or oath commissioner.